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Aqualyx Fat Dissolve-Lipo 

Adios to Stubborn Fat

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Stubborn Fat Removal

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Address Stubborn Fat

When it comes to addressing stubborn fat and recommending the best treatment options for fat removal, Fat Dissolving Injections with Aqualyx have gained recognition as one of the most effective solutions. Aqualyx is a non-surgical injectable treatment specifically designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat deposits. Let's explore this treatment and understand why it is considered the best option for stubborn fat removal.


Aqualyx is an advanced fat dissolving injection that contains a compound called deoxycholic acid. When injected into specific areas of the body, such as the chin, jowls, abdomen, thighs, or love handles, Aqualyx works by disrupting the fat cell membranes, causing them to break down and be eliminated by the body's natural metabolic processes. This results in a noticeable reduction of stubborn fat and improved body contour.


-Aqualyx treatments are minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated. The injections are performed by a qualified healthcare professional who carefully targets the areas of concern. Multiple sessions may be required, depending on the extent of fat deposits and desired results.

Convenient Option

Compared to surgical procedures such as liposuction, Aqualyx offers several advantages. It does not require anesthesia or incisions, making it a safer and more convenient option for patients. The recovery period is typically minimal, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities shortly after the treatment.


It is important to note that Aqualyx is best suited for localised areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is not intended as a weight-loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

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Consult with Healthcare Professional

When considering Aqualyx for stubborn fat removal, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific needs and determine the suitability of the treatment. They will consider factors such as the location and extent of fat deposits, overall health, and treatment goals to create a personalised plan that optimises results.


Aqualyx is the best non-surgical treatment option for stubborn fat removal, safe, and effective solution to target and eliminate localised fat deposits, resulting in improved body contour and enhanced self-confidence.

Why Aqualyx Fat Dissolving ?


  • Help release fatty tissue naturally

  • Target specific areas

  • Non-surgical procedure

  • Quick, 30 minute treatment 



Most Common Areas:

-Under Chin

-Upper Stomach

-Lower Stomach

-Under Arm

-Belly Pouch

-Love Handles
-Inner Thigh's

-Outer Thigh's


Payment Structure

"Trim, Tone, Transform: Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat with Precision Injections!"

Single Session on one area



Special Promotion up to 50% Off

“Offers valid on selected areas only. Please consult with our team to confirm eligible treatment zones and terms of service."
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